Tyler alias
Alfunder of
Long Melford
Sudbury Archdeaconry Court
Quistratus. In the name of god Amen And yn the yerre of ovr lord god 1574 I Robart Tyler wothers called alfvnder of Long Melford yn the covnty of Svfok do order thys and make my laste wyl and testemeñ yn thys forme and maner folowyng fvrte
I be qvefe my Sowle vnto almyty god and to Jhu~ cryste yn home I troste to be Savyd by hys deth and passyon and my body to be bvryed wher yt shal plesse almyty god to calme vnto hys marcy
- Itm~ I gefe vnto annes my wyfe my
tenement yn the hystret wyt the landes thervnto be longyt for the terme of her
lyfe payyn the lordes rente and keppyng yt yn sofysent reperracyoñand
after my sayd wyfes deses I gefe the sayd tenement wyt the lands thervnto be
longyt vnto Rychard my son and hys ayars condyssyally that that Rychard shal
paye or casse to be payde wyt theng on yere after my wyfes desserc
vil of lawfvl mony of eynglong vnto my fowar dovttern and ther
cheldren as here after doth doth follow
- Itm~ to
gonne grom my dovter vjs and viijds
- Itm~ vnto my dovter groms cheldren that ys vnto svsan grome
vjs viijds
- Itm~ vnto
wyll~ym grome vjs viijds
- Itm~ vnto Jhon grome vjs
- Itm~ vnto Dorryfy grome
vjs viijds
- Itm~ gefe vnto
em my dovter wyttes wyfe xxvjs viijds
- Itm I gefe vnto
horr dovter mary vjs viijds
- Itm~ I gefe vnto mary my dovter xxxiijs
- Itm~ I gefe vnto adry my dovter xxxiijs iiijds
- Itm~ I hafe gyeng my sayde fowar dovtern and ther cheldren a
marke more then I hafe welled my sayd son Rychard for to paye
- Itm~ I wyll therfor that my wyfe shal paye the sayde marke
wnto on of my dovtern
- Itm~ wyl that ether of
mary or adry do de parte thys worde be fore the tyme that they sholde resayve the lekacys then I wolde The on to be ther woters ayar
- Itm~ I wyl that yf onny of my dovters grome cheldren do
departe thys worde be fore the tyme that they sholde resaiyfe ther lekacys then I wolde the on to be ther wothers ayar/
- Itm~ I kefe my tenement wyt the a portynans ther vnto be longyt that I hafe yn the halle stret vnto annes my wyfe for terme of horr lyfe payyng the lordys rent and keppyng yt yn safysent reparracyõn and after my wyfes desers
- Itm~ I kefe the sayde tenement wyt the a
portynans wnto Robart my son and hys ayars ^for eñ
coñdysyally that the sayde Robart or hys ayars shal paye wnto Jhon my son xl of lavful mony of eynglond wyt theyn fyfe yerres after my wyfes desecers
- Itm~ I wyll that yf the sayde
Jhon do de part thys worde be fore the tyme that he shold resayve ys lekacys
havyng no chelde then I wel that Robart or hys ayars shal paye to my dovtern
then lyvynd iiijl
- Itm~ yf the sayd
Robart do de part thys worde be fore the sayd annes my wyfe havyng no chelde
and John then lyvyng Itm~ then I well that Jhon
to hafe the sayde tenemeñ yn the hale strete wyt the a partynans to hym
and hys ayars for ever cõdyssyally that Jthon
or hys ayars shal paye wnto my sayd dovtern then lyvyng iiijl
- Itm~ yf yt ples god to calle them bothe to hys
marcy be fore the sayd annes my wyfe havyng no cheldren then I wyl yt shal be
solde by my chyldren then lyvyng and ekoly to be partyd a mong my cheldren then
- Itm~ I kefe vnto annes my wyfe al my
movabeles yn what natvr so eñ they be vppon thys condyssyõn that
my sayde annes my wyfe shal resave my dette and pay my dette hom
the sayde annes my wyfe I make my soll exsecvtevr to thys my laste wel and tesstement and svperrafycer Rychard my son and for hys payne takeng theryn Itm~ I wel that he hafe xs
[Signature 1574]
yn wyttenes ther of I
Robart tyler wotherres called alfvnder hath svs skreyvyd thys wyll wyt my onne
hand the yerre a bovfe sayde
[Probate 1575-01-22]
Probat corum magro Jho B_ome dõimuss_ etc. xxijr die Jany 1574o
p... ssays fuit admdstrar bonor etc executrice noiate in son
Tyler a~ls alefounder faij ess &s p
executric Jurat salvo J... etc
Original will,
Suffolk Record
Office, Bury St Edmunds branch, reference IC500/1/33/38.
Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994.