Robart Tyler alias Alfunder of Long Melford

Will 1575 Sudbury Archdeaconry Court

Quistratus. In the name of god Amen And yn the yerre of ovr lord god 1574 I Robart Tyler wothers called alfvnder of Long Melford yn the covnty of Svfok do order thys and make my laste wyl and testemeñ yn thys forme and maner folowyng fvrte
the sayde annes my wyfe I make my soll exsecvtevr to thys my laste wel and tesstement and svperrafycer Rychard my son and for hys payne takeng theryn Itm~ I wel that he hafe xs
[Signature 1574]
yn wyttenes ther of I Robart tyler wotherres called alfvnder hath svs skreyvyd thys wyll wyt my onne hand the yerre a bovfe sayde
[Probate 1575-01-22]
Probat corum magro Jho B_ome dõimuss_ etc. xxijr die Jany 1574o p... ssays fuit admdstrar bonor etc executrice noiate in son    Tyler a~ls alefounder faij ess &s p executric Jurat salvo J... etc
Original will, Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds branch, reference IC500/1/33/38. Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994.

A will transcript where headings and bulleting have been used to improve readability. Since the bullets have the same function as the word "item" (Itm~), there are good arguments for dropping the word "item" from the document entirely. Note that the probate date is given in a helpful sub-heading as 1575. Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, every year began on March 25. By the calendar in use today, probate occurred in 1575 not 1574. Headings provide opportunities for interpretation. Reproduced, with permission, from the Alefounder website. Home